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tv   [untitled]    April 16, 2013 11:55am-12:25pm PDT

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energy and really didn't quite understand how this had happened but could see it had happened. >> after the tragedy death of our director. we had to figure out how to reinvent ourselves and go to the next level. we found the right person to be to say he's of that stature, is a really a great thing for us. they know your name and they will google you and i can't wait until they do. >> you will find he studied at the post in malibu, the kendall in fort worth and he's been awarded the prize for best art history book. >> i don't want to get bound up with one approach. i want to go back to a very fundamental obligation of the museum which is to conserve, to show, to
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communicate and educate. a museum is a place of enlightenment anden enjoyment. both of those are important. >> dr. bailey has been deputy director and chief -- i can feel comfortable with and admire and to be honest, the fact that the fine arts museums of san francisco, in a way are the moment in one and serve like as that for this vibrant community. i'm really excited. i know there is lots of support. what's so exciting in
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the visits i have made to san francisco is how welcome you feel. that sense of a home, of a place, regardless of size, is very important. and it was thrilling to me to see that there is already suchen enthusiasm for the audience. >> he's talking about the art itself. just listen to the way he enters these works from -- >> who was the goddess of fertility of flowers, of spring, it brings in the regeneration, if you like and this is a fantastic painting by one of the greatest 18th century artist, at the top of his game. this is the most
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flamboyant, exciting paint is of this artist. and we do feel that everything is possible. >> we can't, when we look but think of fertility and of femininity, some sense of generation. we can smell the perfume. >> to rembrandt. >> his mistress, incarcerated. he won't change the way he paints. >> some of dr. bailey's observation about his own experience with art museums. >> you have to have real commitment and belief in your vision in what you believe is right and yes you have to be flexible and malleable to a certain degree but you keep going. i think that is case of a great artist.
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>> we are finally led to another of the museum's great treasures by wayne tibo. >> how happy one feels to look at these objects. a painting talks about more than what we can have, about consumerism but also about childhood pleasure. i love this artist. when i look at this, i feel happy. >> [ applause ] >> okay. we now have a brief question and answer period if anyone has any questions? no?
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okay. >> i have one. [inaudible] what changes do you for see for the museum of collins coming here? >> well, i think what he'll do, first of all i think he'll take his time getting to know the museum and the staff really evaluating because especially because we have 2 museums. it's really a matter of becoming familiar with both of them, they are very different in character. i think it will take several months to getting to know all the aspects of the museums and then he'll make very serious evaluations and take a very serious look at our department and evaluate whether we have the finest people we
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can have and are we running the department in the best way possible and other departments as well. this is not my area of expertise. i'm the board president, ideal with the trustees, and the deputy director runs the museums. i'm sure there will be many conversations between the deputy director and the director should he choose to keep the director, because the director has the ability to remove anyone he wishes to remove. i'm sure he won't do that right away but he will do whatever he feels will strengthen this museum. that will be up to him. i know what he'll do is what he believes is the right thing for this museum. that's why we hired him. >> about timing. i think you said the -- [inaudible] there
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was a meeting on march 4, so the trustees met 2 hours before the announcement. i was wondering about the timing of that? >> the selection committee was formed a year ago january. and we met all through the year. we had 8 finalist and these people were brought in to meet with the committee. there are 13 people on the selection committee. there were a number of names that were considered, more names than the 8. we narrowed it down to 8 and then we brought them in and out of the 8 there were 3 finalist and those 3 finalist were brought in a number of times. you can imagine trying to get 13 people with lives and 8 people who are directors who are high up in
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museums to come in and then be anonymous when you wanted to bring them to the museums and not let the staff recognize them because they are recognizable people with really in incredibly difficult task. you have some months where directors are running their own exhibitions and with trustees that have children out of school and it's difficult to get these people together. and that was when we are were doing the search for john buchannon as well. so finally in january, the selection committee voted to appoint collin bailey. however, we had to be in sync with his board and he was not able to inform his board until yesterday. that was the time lapse and that is why we canceled the march 14th board
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meeting because there was no point to have it. we had to vote to appoint him because by our charter we appoint, not elect. the selection committee votes on it and it goes to the board and our board today voted to appoint him, both in the section of our board meeting. it was to afford him the courtesy to talk to his own board and the people he needed to talk to before we could inform our board. and that was unfortunately a time lag of about 6 weeks. and he of course wanted to give proper notice and that's why he will not be officially joining us until june 1st. >> any other questions? okay.
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well thank you all very much. i hope we'll see you many many times in our press conferences and our dealings with our new director and the great success that i'm sure he will bring for the success here at the fine arts museums. thank you. [ applause ] >
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>> good morning everyone. we would like to thank you to our station. our members moved into in station and became operational march 19th. we thank you for being here today. it could not have been done without the help of many people. i want to welcome you all to this station. it's a beautiful firehouse, a new firehouse. i was 6 years old in 1st grade on moscow street. we are delighted to be here. it's
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also a creative and unique collaborative effort. something we have never done before. it a partnership all the way. we want to thank and acknowledge the museum of modern art. we talked about the concept of the museum of modern art which if you have not been to, it's a wonderful place to visit. their needs and desires to expand for educational programs and for more of their collection. the property at 676 howard, we identified it was a place not seismic ready for our members. it's as fire safety it's of paramount importance. when they talked to us about the ideas, they came together and decided to change properties. it's a total win win situation. we are
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combraet -- grateful for the efforts of the museum of modern art. we want to say thank you very much and would like to acknowledge mr. charles swab, thank you, sir. board president, mr. bob fisher, dennis wong and michael are here with us today. and a man that worked hard long hours with us and that is neale, the director of the museum of modern art. thank you so much. so we talked about this unique partnership. it became a real thing in 2010. lots of meetings and discussion, last year march 2012, we had ground broken on this station and # 12 months
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later we are here to celebrate the official opening. i'm going to mention other people, but without further a do i'm going to mention the first person i'm proud to work for is an innovative thinker who said yes, let's try this and that for better efficiency and safety. i can't thank this man who has been in several aspect of city government. he understand the types of collaborative efforts necessary to conclude and project like this. now it gives me great pleasure to introduce our great mayor, mayor edwin lee. >> thank you, chief. i want to thank former mayor gave some for having reached this incredible agreement with museum of modern art. i just thought it was such a win win
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for everybody. not easy by any stretch of the imagination because it takes a lot of resources even when we talk in terms of gifts, but let me first of all start with saying thank you chief white to you and to the whole fire department's administration to local firefighters union as well for being an incredible part of our city. your mission has always been about saving lives. we see it everyday and sometimes when there are events we can't control happen but you are there without regard in many cases for the things that are occurring, but just there to save lives. i think this gift if anything reflects the value that we place on our fire department. so thank you for
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your incredible sacrifice all the time. we recognize, i know that mr. swab and the entire museum recognize that this gift does reflect that sentiment because not only are you getting a replacement of a fire station, you are getting a more modern fire station. it is state of the art. it has equipment we have not seen in a long time and i like to idea that it has a generator that in case that big one hits you have three days there to really help us recover quickly. you have a number of other things, i was going to make a joke about mr. swab and i maybe testing each other on the pole, but i think you are going to beat me because you are in better shape than i am. but, again it's just a testament that we do value our fire department and leadership and all the men and with i am -- women that serve
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it and this gift is another reflection of that. having said that, i want to pay attribute that this would not have happened but for the incredible expansion that the museum is doing and that expansion comes with another recognition of the fisher family and their incredible collection of art which this city really still needs to talk about it's deserving of it. i know that the effort that is being made by mr. swab and all the trustees that have made that expansion, it is a serious amount of money to do that. yes they did have to have that expansion. we got that gift out here and the tune of $12 million for the station for the land and design and construction by the fund raising efforts that have gone on. but part of that is lose
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the make way for a really wonderful collection that for generations years and years to come will appreciate it. i must say that mr. swab has entered into this effort knowing that it was going to take a lot of resources to do. at a time when there are so many other competing interest to be able to talk to people about the collection, about what it means and then about the fire station in addition to that and the public private partnership, i want to again, thank mr. swab for your leadership in doing so and also benny, i know he's a personal friend of yours, i wish i knew mr. fisher better as well but we are going to enjoy this wonderful collection and so thank you for the modern art and bob for all your leadership for doing this. this
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would not have happened without that occurring. it is a win win for the city. this station, supervisor kim has just arrived. i want to please welcome her up. we have been doing a lot of openings in your district, supervisor. we just did another one at the entrance transbay center. it's a gold standard, lead gold, i want to thank webcor for their leadership in getting this built and making a smooth transition. i want to thank the fire fighters because it's really the home of the alley cats and they are proud of it and they are proud of the family that they have built here because this is one of the busiest fire stations, firehouse 1, will get those calls, you know that. in fact don't be surprised if a call is
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made even during a time we are here because there is so much activity going on. but we know they are in a safer place a better performing aspect place, more modern and they will get the level of safety the city defrsz -- deserves. we have to prepare for those unknown but predictable accidents natural and otherwise that will occur in the city of san francisco. i want to thank the chiefs, the city administrator, victor, your work here as well, our real estate department, as well, thank you, john for being here. all the city family, our city engineer, figuring out things for being here as well. investing in our infrastructure, investing in our fire stations has been a main stay of my administration, working with a capital planning group. we want to ensure that
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our infrastructure always reflect the highest level we need and situating this station here is will is an incredible gift to district 6. i want to thank all the entities for getting together and making this happen and but for a very special circumstances this might have not occurred and we would be incurring another obligation $6. i want to thank all the entities for getting together and making this happen and but for a very special circumstances this might have not occurred and we would be incurring another obligation of 9-and-a-half million from our general fund. this is a gift that is going to keep giving. i want to recognize things that happen in this city we are a very incredible lucky city for all the things that happen to us. this is one of the moments that recognize all of these special elements that come together modernization, this brand new station, and the
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firemen and women who will be here and take care of this city as you always have. thank you for making this happen. appreciate it. [ applause ] >> thank you, mr. mayor for your leadership and unwavering support. the next speaker has also been very supportive. our district supervisor, jane kim. [ applause ] >> the mayor said it but i think we have a ribbon cutting almost twice a day now in district 6. this is an exciting one. the first constructed fire station in san francisco since 1950. it's pretty amazing considering when the fact that the mayor brought up is the
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busiest station in san francisco. in my time at the distribution, unfortunately i got to know a lot about the fire department. we have had 13 working fires, several which were very significant and displaced or injured our residents. i learned how hard the fire department works, how important their speedy response is in terms of saving lives and of course our possessions but also how they build relationships with their constituents at a time of intense loss, anxiety and fear and they do it with a great deal of compassion and dignity. i think that's the most important aspect of the work they do on behalf of our city. it's truly incredible to have a department to be able to get that type of feedback from our constituents. it's great to welcome our fire department to district 6. yes, it's a block
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away from my house. i forgot to leave the key to my apartment with my neighbor so i had to run and do that before i came here. they have been working to help facilitate with the fire department and the modern museum of art. it wasn't long ago when our city first started to develop plans to develop yerba buena -- that's going to be an exciting development. this was a great outcome of that. six years ago we opened a
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large scale park along with the first constructed public school. as we connect this corridor, folsom street is going to be a great street, 500 units and they will be good neighbors to the fire department here. so i look forward to the critical role in -- that the fire department is going to display which includes the tenderloin and 6 district area. in 2000 alone fire fighters left that station 924 times. we are really fortunate to have a chief that is well regarded both for her ability
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to lead a well respected institution and for her integrity and honesty. oven -- often when we have difficult decisions to make, we can trust her. i want to thank the staff and fire department. because they save lives and compassion they are able to show our residents goes a long way. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> thank you supervisor kim. for those of you that don't know the san francisco fire department has a 5 member fire commission. before calling the next speaker i want to announce the former london breed. you had a lot to do with us getting here and now commissioner of
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the retirement system, victor make residueers -- he spent countless hours with us. without your counseling and guidance, we wouldn't be here today. fire commissioner andre evans. thank you very much. it's wonderful to see such say big crowd here today to celebrate the opening of this new station as people have said before has been way too long to be honest since there has been a new fire station in the city. on behalf of the fire commission, i want to say we are incredibly proud to be here and incredibly excited and think it's appropriate that the men and women who give so much to the city that they are given state
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of the art facility. i'm so glad that this wonderful fire station is opening. i don't think it's everyday that -- it's not everyday that a private institution comes forward and says let's do something great for the city. i want to thank all the members who put in so much time and effort into making this fire station what it is. i think the results speak fore itself. it's first class and i think it's going to serve the community for a long time to come. so thank you very much. >> thank you, commissioner evans. before we call up our next speaker, i want to acknowledge our members of station 1. i appreciate your flexibility, i hope you are happy with your new firehouse. it's obviously much brighter
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and modern and space seismically facility. in the firehouse where you work, it's more than a workplace but a second home. i am committed in this neighborhood to be good neighbors, we are joined by some neighbors and we have received a little constructive criticism that why are you having the ribbon cutting in the middle of the week when we are working. if you pass along to your neighbors that couldn't be here, we will have an open house later in the evening you can be here. that's why we move senior captain in station one. i would like to invite captain to come up and say a few words. >> welcome and thank